Thursday, December 9, 2004

I really don't like to write

I want to start my blogging by stating unequivocally that I love my wife. However, I really don’t like to write. Honest. I come up with great ideas for stories, I mean killer ideas, and sit at my computer waiting for inspiration and either (a) nothing happens or (b) some mindless disconnected drivel spews forth for all of about a minute and I’m done. When my wife and I first started dating she bought me a journal. She wrote on the liner how much she loved me and how I deserved a journal. My wife is extremely creative and a wonderful journal keeper, and what better gift than a journal for her talented and creative husband? Recently we found the journal. My wife’s inscription is the only words that appear in the journal. It’s embarrassing. I just don’t like to write…

…well, except for email.

I am the Messaging Administrator for a global corporation. My job is to design and maintain the email system, and so my primary mode of communication has become email, and I've decided that I'm pretty darn good at writing emails.. I worked with Steve when I lived in New York. We shared some mutual cube space. He programmed and I engineered and maybe we said a couple of sentences to each other every day and that was it. Steve just doesn’t have much to say when he’s sober so his day sounded like this: several hours of feverish tapping at the keyboard followed by a pause, perhaps an exclamation of “I rock!” followed by several more hours of feverish tapping at the keyboard. When I left the firm I fully expected that our friendship would at best consist of an occasional “how are you doing” email and an eventual drift off into work friendship oblivion. But then something happened. The focus of those “How you doing” emails became “How’s your fantasy team doing” became “How are the Seahawks doing” and thus a friendship was born. On occasions the emails morph into “How’s the band doing?” or “How’s that Civil War book doing?” but always it comes back to sports, and usually it’s NFL football. Wait! I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t mention the “Gosh, isn’t beer a great thing?” emails. Anyway, Steve, a Seahawks fan, and me a Packers fan both grew up in NYC where no one seemed to be a Seahawks fan or a Packers fan. So it is from that disassociated common ground, and with this dedication to my wife Karen who has always encouraged me to be creative that I begin my life as a Blogger.

Hmm, maybe I do like to write after all….

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