Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Maybe it’s because the average sports fan is a fucking idiot.

Most of the people I surround myself with are brilliant. I married a brilliant, creative, intelligent woman who was not only smart enough to snag me, she was smart enough to become a Packers fan. St. Ides (who I did not marry) is a graduate of Regis H.S. (and probably a college too, I never asked). He is a brilliant programmer and is considered by many* to be a musical genius. I work with some brilliant kids who have written a program that is used by schools all across the south. It helps teach and manage special education kids. I am surrounded with brilliance. It is truly what makes me shine.

So it shouldn’t surprise me when idiocy makes its way through my satellite dish or across the Internet to my computer screen. Especially when it involves football. I have been wrestling with the format this blog should take, and since I type pretty slow I have decided to take the easy way out and simply list the things that pissed me off between Sunday and about three hours ago.

Thing that pissed me off on Sunday:

In case I’ve never stated it on this blog, I fucking hate the Sunday night football crew. Fucking hate them. Hate hate hate. Actually, the play by play guy is OK, and Paul Macguire is no worse than say, Dan Dierdoff. It’s Joe Theisman that frosts my ass. I should take notes on Sundays, because trying to recall Theisman’s idiocy is impossible simply because of the sheer volume of material to work with. However, I’ll try. On Detroit’s first drive, the Lions had fourth and goal on the 1. Theisman argued that the Lions had nothing to lose and should go for the TD. This was less than 1 minute into the game, and I was yelling at the TV. My wife, a bonafide football fan for all of three seasons, said “What is he, an idiot?” (correct answer: yes dear) “You don’t take points off the board!” (again, yes dear). About a minute later, Detroit after recovering a fumble found themselves in the exact same situation. They briefly considered going for it, at which time Theisman contradicted himself and said essentially (paraphrasing) “how could the Lions even think about going for it.” It was an astonishing contradiction, even for Theisman.

Another example: The Lions, on a second and goal play, came out in an empty backfield spread formation and attempted a fade pass that failed. Theisman loved the call. In fact he loved it so much that he thought the Lions should try it again. But love can cloud one’s vision. When the Lions came out of the huddle on third down, they set up with a single back and a tight end. Theisman exclaimed “IT’S THE SAME FORMATION!!!” My wife, now thoroughly disgusted with the Sunday night crew shouted “There’s a RUNNING BACK there you FUCKING IDIOT!”

If my wife (who I mentioned is brilliant) can tell that the formation is different, why can’t a hall of fame quarterback? Maybe the hall of fame needs less quarterbacks and more offensive linemen…

Thing that pissed me off on Monday:

Here’s the scenario: The Raiders, down by 16 to the Jets, rallied to score a touchdown. A touchdown is 6 points, so the lead after the TD and before the extra point is 10. If you go for 2, you cut the lead to 8 points. 8 points is a touchdown and a 2 point conversion, and is attainable on one possession. Turner went for 1, cutting the lead to 9. 9 points is not attainable on one possession. When asked after the game why he didn’t go for two, Turner replied “We discussed going for two, but we were talking about a nine point game and that’s still two possessions”. Turner, who evidently was not a math major did not realize that 10 – 2 is 8. Eight point game. One possession. Idiot.

Thing that pissed me off Tuesday:

The normally stepfordesque Milwaukee press had a field day with the Packers victory Sunday night, but not how you might think. There were two articles by well respected Milwaukee journalists that criticized the Packer victory because it all but assured that Reggie Bush would not be a Packer. First, I want you to read some of the quotes, and I am not making this up:
Cliff Cristl: “The Green Bay Packers could retool this off-season and make a run at the playoffs again next year. But by beating the Detroit Lions, they basically blew any chance of winning the Super Bowl any time soon” ‘The Packers could still draft an outstanding defender or some other special player who might make a difference next year. But for Favre to have a shot at winning another ring, at least next year or maybe for the next two years, he needed more than that. He needed a franchise running back. No other player at any other position figures to make that kind of impact.”

Bob McGinn: “By winning, the Packers improved to 3-10 and earned a brief respite from a sea of bad tidings this season. At the same time, they severely damaged their chances of securing the first selection in the 2006 National Football League draft. That pick is expected to be Reggie Bush, the Heisman Trophy-winning running back from Southern California. At 1-12, the Houston Texans continue leading in the race to draft Bush.”
What is disturbing about this is the intimation that the Packers would be better off losing games and getting Bush than playing games to win. One argument I heard on T.V. referred to the ’89 draft. The Packers won one more game in 1988 than the Dallas Cowboys, who took Troy Aikman with the first pick in the draft. The Packers, with the second pick took Tony Mandarich, the all time greatest flop in the history of the draft. So what would the Packers would have been like with Troy Aikman? Well, they wouldn’t have Brett Favre, and so I’m glad we didn’t get Troy Aikman. Besides, the third pick in that draft was Barry Sanders, and the fifth pick in the draft was Deion Sanders.

Reggie Bush is considered a “can’t miss” pick. He’s doing things in college that people have never seen before. The last guy that I can remember coming out of college with these kind of accolades? Tony Mandarich.



  1. Well that was fun reading! I could feel the anger coming through the computer screen. In fact, i suspect you damaged a few keys because of typing so angrily. The anonymous folk truly enjoys reading fervent columns. kudos!

    it was brilliant, but you already know that

  2. I would like to point out there are several fantastic players that were not first round draft picks.

    The first one that comes to mind, they couldn't even pronounce his name correctly. That's right folks, Mr. Brett Favre. (What round was it he was picked, Dahling?)

    Or how about Samco Gado? Where did he come from? A third string player on a college team. He barely made the NFL. Played... what? That's right, NOT AT ALL until the Pack picked him up. And for a rookie, comeing in mid-season, in the cold as hell north, he's doing pretty damn well. "Very trainable" is what the coaches have to say about him. And wouldn't we all prefer a trainable player than one who is conviced the reason he's failing on the field is because of anyone and everyone than himself? Can't fix it if you don't acknowledge it.

    So let's not get all hyped up on first round draft picks. Those first round players can fall and fall hard. It's those surprises somehwere in the middle of the pick. The ones with the shot-gun arm, the ones that take to training. Those are the guys we want. Screw those players with the egos the size of Texas. The only thing they can do is fail to meet expectations. And then where are you?

    Oh, and if they decide to replace Mr. Theisman... I'll gladly take the job. Shit. Falling down drunk wearing my garter belt as a blindfold, I couldn't do any worse than him. And I'm a helluva lot easier on the eyes.

  3. Speaking of draft picks - what's the guys name, came outta MI in 2000, like 6th round or something - I think he plays for the Patriots.

    The ESPN crew is beyond horrible. Did you hear Theisman will be working with Al Michaels on next year's MNF? I just puked.

  4. I can't stand watching Monday Night Football because of Madden. I'm sure that man is boozing it up because he says the most unbelievably retarded things ever, and it gets worse through the night (as he gets drunker and drunkerer). And those beautiful moments in the fourth quarter when he's not saying anything? He's passed out. I'm SURE of it.

  5. First of all, I would like to welcome the newest readers to SBS: Anonymous II and bekah! Thank you both for taking the time to read our blog. Since Mr. St. Ides and I do not have a lot of readers this is a special treat for the both of us, so thank you again.

    With that said, I'd like to address each of your comments:

    Dear Anonymous II: Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that you enjoyed the column, but you overestimate my intellect. I thought it was a pretty good read, but brilliant? Wow! Thank you so much for that, it is a tremendous complement.

    Dear Anonymous: Oh yeah, that Brady kid, right. Doesn't he do those Visa commercials with Russ Hochstein? Now Hochstein, that guy is a pisser. I must confess I didn't hear that Theisman was going to do MNF with Al Michaels. I am convinced that Theisman is the antichrist. What other explanation is there for his success? Either he's the antichrist or he's got a picture of George Bodenheimer ass fucking Roone Arlidge.

    Dear Bekah: Madden drinks? Actually, my partner in crime St.Ides can't stand the guy either. I'm hoping he'll take the time to write about it. I'll always have a special place in my heart for Madden because he was the first, and I mean the first guy to ever explain the game in detail during the broadcasts. He was a teacher, and that helped me understand the game better. Now a days he's a shell of the broadcaster he once was, and I am certain that alcohol has had a hand in that. Well, that plus the guy will be 70 next April.

    Dear Mrs Samichlaus: I always like to save the best for last, and here and everywhere you are the best, but always first in my heart. Brett Favor (as it was pronounced that day) was taken in the second round of the 1991 draft. Ironically the Packers traded a first round pick for Favre, whith which the Falcons selected a guy named Tony Smith. Smith lasted less than three seasons, and pretty much sucked. Gado is an excellent example, good job. Donald Driver was taken in the 7th round of the 1999 draft, and exemplifies your point: Driver never, ever points fingers at his teamates when asked about the Packers lost season. He simply says "I need to do more". Does Terrell Owens have more raw talent that Driver? Sure. Would I rather have T.O. on my team? No way. Oh, and a final thought about this: "Shit. Falling down drunk wearing my garter belt as a blindfold, I couldn't do any worse than him. And I'm a helluva lot easier on the eyes." I understand that Joe Namath has already put in a call to ESPN asking them to look over your, uhh, resume.

  6. Hey, that was pretty good! And welcome to our new readers!

    The thing that _kills_ me about Madden is that he's considered SUCH an expert on football in every way, shape, and form, yet he's obviously starting to slack off doing his homework. How often does he call players by the wrong first name? At least 2-3 times a game. He just says way too many things that are completely wrong, and he gets a free pass for some reason.
