Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The numbers don't lie: Matt's still my guy.

I have seen more than one Seahawks game this year. In fact if you add up all of the highlights I’ve watched, times I’ve flipped to the Seahawks game during commercial breaks during the Packers game, columns I’ve read by the great St. Ides, and blurbs on SI.com and ESPN.com, I’d say I’ve seen at least three.

This qualifies me as an expert.

In fact it says so at the top of the blog: Two guys named Steve sharing their expert opinions. Or something like that. So if I say that Matt Hasslebeck is the best quarterback in the NFL right now, you can rest assured that I didn’t just pull that out of my ass. I pulled it out of my expert ass.

Here’s what I said: "Hasslebeck has taken it to the next level. He’s the best quarterback in the game right now. I don’t care who you put up: Brady, Manning, Rothelisberger, I’ll take Hasslebeck."

If you think that’s a, well now what did our reader call it, a “fucking dumb statement”, think again…

I did a quick statistical analysis… ok that’s a lie, it took me a good hour and a half. I did a tedious statistical analysis of the aforementioned quarterbacks and although the results may be startling to the ignorant few, they were no surprise to me. Since the thought I was trying to convey was who I thought was the best QB in the game right now, I looked at the final 8 games of the season and the playoffs. Let’s break it down:

Over his last 8 games, Tom Brady posted a quarterback rating of 85.9. He threw 14 touchdowns and 10 interceptions while leading the Patriots to a 6 – 2 record. Brady was a bit better in the playoffs, with a 90.2 rating and 4 TDs against 2 INTs. These are respectable numbers, but when compared to Matt Hasslebeck’s they simply don’t measure up.

In his last 8 games Matt Hasslebeck posted an astonishing 106.9 quarterback rating. He threw 14 touchdowns with only 4 interceptions. He led the Seahawks to a 7-1 record, their only loss coming on the watch of their JV squad. In the playoffs the statistical advantage is even more dramatic. Hasslebeck has posted a 109.3 QB rating with 3 TDs and 0 interceptions. He’s also made plays with his legs, something that Brady could only dream about. Hasslebeck has run for 48 yards in two games, while Brady has run for 8. You’d think with those five layers of Visa protection surrounding Brady he’d have more than 8 yards, but you’d be wrong. Maybe it's time to switch to "Discover". At least he'll get some cash back.

The postulate I put forth also included Ben Roethlisberger and Peyton Manning. Big Ben’s last 8 look like this: QB rating of 86.7, 10 TD’s and 9 INTs. Meanwhile over in Indianapolis Big Pussy put up a terrific 103.97 rating with 14 TDs and 4 INTs. Terrific numbers indeed but not as terrific as Hasslebeck’s.

Let me sum this up in terms any fucking idiot can understand: any gambler knows you don’t fuck with a hot streak, and right now there’s no one hotter than Hasslebeck. Hasslebeck has taken it to the next level. He’s the best quarterback in the game right now. I don’t care who you put up: Brady, Manning, Rothelisberger, I’ll take Hasslebeck.


  1. Well - this is not gambling per se, its analysis.

    Additions to post - Brady's 6 - 2 record, with 1 of his two losses, being the JV squad to against the Fins.

    to football players - the thing, and ONLY thing that matters most are SB's. This morning Eric Dickerson (arguably one the greatest RB's of ALL time, still holds the all-time rushing record for the season) made this great statment - " I would trade everything, all my awards, all my victories, achievements (expect his HOF ring) for a SB victory."

    So basically to football players, statistics, QB ratings, and other accolades mean nothing. The only thing that means something is a SB Victory And Hasselback cannot take it to another level yet becuase he hasn't yet. Without winning a SB he's just another Manning.

    I'd take Brady anytime (even with a sports hernia which he has been apparently playing with) (The same injury that kept McNabb out this season) He's won 3 SB's, and has already been to the next level and crapped on it from above.

    He's better. numbers mean sheet.

    just ask Eric Dickerson

  2. I liked the Visa layers of protection comment, that was fucking funny. :)

    So, Anonymous, who's a better RB all-time? Barry Sanders, who didn't win jack in Detroit? Or Emmitt Smith, who won some Super Bowls, broke some records, but seemed to do most of it with longevity and a good team around him rather than flash. Throw Dickerson in the argument too, since he's the original name you brought up.

    Yes, Super Bowl championships do mean a lot to players, usually more than individual accomplishments. But there are a lot of great players who never win a Super Bowl. I'd still take Dan Marino over John Elway, but maybe that's just me.

    Numbers DO mean shit. Super Bowl championships included. And Brady's 3 Super Bowl championships (see that "3" over there, chief? That's a number too ;) ) carry a TON of weight.

    Look at it this way. If it was New England instead of the Steelers right now, the spread would probably be approaching 10. And a big reason for that would be Brady.
    And his numbers. ;)

  3. Great analysis Anonymous. Go ahead and take Trent Dilfer over Dan Marino and while you're at it take Kurt Warner over Archie Manning.

    The problem here is twofold: first, your seeing the world through Patriot colored glasses, and that's OK. Believe it or not yesterday I got my wife to agree to paint our house green and gold. But more importantly you're trusting the likes of Eric Dickerson instead of ol Samichlaus. Dickerson, a great runningback, would never be confused for a sports intellect like St. Ides or myself.

    No one is disputing Brady's accomplishments. All I'm saying is if I had to pick one to start my game today, I'd take Hasslebeck.

    Now go get your fucking shine box.

  4. You two think you are SOO clever.

    the shine box comment was too good, I wish I said it - bastard!

    Red, White & Blue glasses they may be - but a Seattle disciple even agreed with me - Brady over baldy (but then again, this could be part of Ides' elaborate reverse conspiracy jinx theory) - he said it, but was willing to give hassel a top 3 consideration.

    The point is Marino is probably statiscally WAYY better than Montana over their respective careers - except that Marino will never be held in the same echelon as Montana (its the glowing ring hand that makes them truly great) -

    Hasselback will get all my love, but only when he wins the SB. Until he does - I take Brady.

    But the spread would be probably - 7.5, Pats like to keep things fun.

  5. Montana over Marino is an easy call I think.

    But I asked about Marino or Elway? Elway didn't win a Super Bowl until late in his career (when he had an excellent running game), and had some pretty big choke moments.

    I like Brady (you know, being an ex-Wolverine and all :P ), but he suddenly didn't look so immortal against Denver.

  6. Jeez, I didn't come across as too much of a dick in those last couple of posts, did I?

    Yowsers. My apologies!

    Marino VS. Elway... now, you know I'm going to have a jaded opinion about this one. Not only did Elway's Broncos break my heart in XXXII, but I never liked the guy before that. With that said, I'm going to take Marino. Marino owns almost every statistical record for NFL quarterbacks. Shame on the Dolphins for never surrounding him with big enough fish to win a Superbowl.

    In Elways defense, I always thought he would have had even better numbers if he hadn't been coached by Dan Reeves for so many years. The real reason Elway led all of those 4th quarter comebacks was Reeves coaching them to a defecit week in and week out. In the fourth quarter Denver would consistantly have to "open up" the offense and play catch up. If they had only done that all along...

  7. I think the REAL point in all of this is - we could each pick 2 QB's that fit our beliefs and make it work - so its all phooey
