Friday, October 27, 2006

Week 8 Picks (Part Uno) (et duo param)

St. Ides has the best week of his career last week, with an astonishing 11-2 record! Probably not gonna do better than that again. Of course, he somehow still managed to go 3-2 in his actual money pool that counted doh! (For those wondering "How the hell did you do that?", I took the Cardinals as one of the picks, and switched from the Falcons to Steelers at the last minute. So yeah, I can't even turn my best week picking ever into actual cash.)

Heard a few interesting things on the radio this week, all about QBs, so I thought I'd throw them in here.

Boomer Esiason was on with Mike and Mike in the morning. He said that Brady and Manning are like this generation's Montana and Marino. I like that comparison. Manning/Marino put up HUGE numbers, but never won the big game. Brady/Montana put up impressive numbers, though not quite as big, but have the all-important Super Bowl rings. I liked that comparison. And it seems Marino took the comparison as an insult or something. Dan, baby, I love ya and all, but if you're going to be an announcer, you need to get over your sensitivity over the "not winning the Super Bowl" stuff. You're one of the all-time greats. It's not your fault you never had a running game. Relax.

Of course, within seconds, Esiason floored me with the comment that Drew Bledsoe is a borderline Hall of Famer. Sorry, but couldn't disagree more. I know he had some nice years with the Pats, but no way they win that first Super Bowl with Bledsoe in there. No way.

And lastly, the reason Bledsoe came up was because they were discussing his benching in favor of Tony Romo. So trivia time! Tony Romo becomes one of four undrafted QBs who will start this week. Who are the other three? (Answer somewhere in the picks below. I got 2 of the 3, the 3rd one is a little less obvious cause he's not their regular starter.)

I'm going to have to send Anonymous a case of beer or something to buy him off. Easy on 'Ol Claus, the family traveled to Green Bay where it's really really cold and between me and Mrs. Claus we'd gotten about three hours sleep over the last 36. (btw, the actual count was Samichlaus 3, Mrs. Claus 0. She actually getting more fired up over these trips than I am, and I'm pretty fired up)

Lots to write about and more blogs to come so lets stay on topic: I'm going to have to check the stats but I do believe this is the first week St. Ides has taken the lead in the history of our picks. Either way, I must acknowledge the week he had.

Dude, it was monster. WTG.

Now, let's get the universe righted again with ol Samichlaus on top of the pickin' pile...

BTW, did Boomer mention anything about who he thought the best young quarterback in the league might be?

Last Week:
St. Ides: 11-2
Samichlaus: 4-9

St. Ides: 37-33
Samichlaus: 35-35

Bucs +9.5 over GIANTS
Uh oh, look out! After the thrashing of the Cowboys in Dallas, the Giants are now being annointed one of the NFC's best teams. The Mad Dog was just saying yesterday that he wouldn't be surprised at all to see the Giants against the Bears in the NFC title game. Slow down there, chief. We're not even half way through the season. And I think the Giants are ready to stink it up. They might pull out the game, but they won't cover against a Tampa Bay team that is suddenly showing some signs of life. Giants 23, Bucs 17.

The Bucs have shown a lot lately, and I'm wondering why... oh, there it is: Chris Simms is out. Yep, St. Ides has it right, G-Men win a closer game than they expect: Giants 26 Bucs 24

EAGLES -6.5 over Jaguars
Both teams have had a rough couple weeks. The Jaguars lost to the frickin Texans last week, badly, and now they're making excuses saying that Leftwich is not healthy. Meanwhile the Eagles lost two winnable road games at New Orleans and Tampa Bay. I think they're ready to settle in at home and go on a bit of a run. Eagles 27, Jaguars 17.

The smell of cheesesteaks will do a lot for the Eagles this week, while the Jags will continue to reel. Leftwich is listed as questionable while the Eagles remail relatively healty. I like the Eagles in a low scoring game: Eagles 23 Jags 10

Niners +16.5 over BEARS
That's a whole lotta points. Last we saw the Bears, they were barely escaping Arizona with a win, as the Cardinals suffered one of the biggest collapses in NFL history. They had their bye, and they're home again, but suddenly they're not invulnerable. Rex Grossman looked awful. Now, I don't think the Niners have a chance in hell of actually winning this game, but I think they can keep it within two touchdowns. I think. Bears 23, Niners 10.

Da Bears are due for a letdown of sorts but I can't help but wonder: why is the spread soooooo friggin huge? I'm going against my better judgement here but I'm thinking the oddsmakers know something I don't. Weather in Chi-town is going to be sunny and 56. Bears and the points: Chicago 37 San Fran 10

BENGALS -4.5 over Falcons
Tough game to call. Both teams had pretty impressive wins at home last week, the Falcons over the Steelers and the Bengals over the Panthers. I'll say the Panthers win is slightly more impressive, and the Bengals need this more as a home game for them. Bengals 27, Falcons 20.

Ron Mexico, err, Mike Vick played pretty good last week and showed he can occasionally beat you with his arm. I'm starting to like the Falcons at home but they haven't shown anything on the road. Bengals 34 Falcons 17

SAINTS -2.5 over Ravens
I'm riding this Saints bandwagon as long as I can! Ravens should have McNair back, but I'm not convinced he's a better option than Boller at this point. And their defense is getting old. Gimme the Saints! Saints 24, Ravens 13.

...and I am refusing to get on that bandwagon, fool that I am. I think a healthy Steve McNair is the difference maker in this game, all other things being equal... unless of course Reggie Bush finally has that breakout everyone's been waiting on. Ravens 24 Saints 16

PACKERS -3.5 over Cardinals
The Samichalus family will be in Green Bay for this one, and they couldn't have picked a better team to watch the Packers slaughter! Between blowing that lead to the Bears and losing to the hapless Raiders, Arizona is a mess and Denny Green is on borrowed time. Edge James took the big bucks to go to the Cardinals, and now he has to suffer the consequences. (Oh, and he's complaing about not getting the ball enough, despite having the most touches in the league of any RB.) Packers 30, Cardinals 17.

Denny Green knows how to coach against the Pack, but it's not going to be enough. Arizona's O-line is awful, and the Pack should exploit that. My only concern was a quote from Nick Barnett this moning (and let me remind certain readers that although these picks are getting here a bit late you are getting exclusive insider information at great cost to the Samichlaus family). When asked if the Packers planned to throw stunts and blitzes at the inexperienced Cardinal line to try to confuse them, Barnett replied "Boy, I sure hope so. I would like to. We'll see." Uh oh. Please dear God tell me we are not "coaching not to lose". Anyway, trainer Pepper Burris stopped by to tell Mrs. Claus and I that Greg Jennings "was close" to playing, but he hoped the coaches would sit him. Nickleback Patrick Dendy told us he was feeling good and was ready to step in for Charles Woodson if necessary, and rookie receiver Shaun "Bodie" Bodiford was thrilled to be here (picked off of the Lions practice squad) and already practicing with the first string special teams unit. Oh, and Kabeer Baja Biamila told me he loved me in a spiritual way. Thank the good Christ for that, the man looked like he could snap my dick clean off between his butt cheeks. Packer win one for the Samichlaus family: Green Bay 35 Arizona 10

Texans +2.5 over TITANS
Both these teams have had surprising wins lately, with the Titans beating the Skins in DC, and the Texans pulling a pretty big upset against the Jaguars. Mario Williams is starting to find his groove (2 sacks and a fumble recovery last week) and the Texans offense doesn't look half bad. On the other side of the ball, Vince Young has been pretty good so far. For two crappy teams, this might actually be a decent game. Texans 27, Titans 26.

This will be a decent game but I'm going to go with the Titans. It's another case of I'm not convinced that the dog can do it on the road. Titans win and cover: Titans 24 Texans 20

CHIEFS -5.5 over Seahawks
What can I say other than thank god the Hasselbeck injury isn't season-ending, and our defense has been horrible. Starting safety Michael Boulware has been benched after being directly responsible for 4 touchdowns in the past 2 weeks: That 95-yard TD run by Chester Taylor (what the hell is he doing up so close to the line?), a 40-yard bomb TD by the Vikings on 3rd and 17 (don't bite on the pump fake FFS), a halfback pass for a TD on 3rd and 15 (let the D-line and LBs worry about the run, please), and that ridiculous catch by Torry Holt (he was actually in good position, but knock the ball away, don't try and catch it). Anyways, with Seneca Wallace and Mo Morris in the backfield for Seattle, they have about zero chance of winning in KC this week. And if Seattle couldn't stop Chester frickin Taylor, what's Larry Johnson going to do to them? It could get ugly. Chiefs 30, Seahawks 16.

I watched a good part of the Seattle game last week and had to admit: they looked pretty bad. Hasslebeck is a huge loss, and Boulware has no excuse for his play. I saw several missed tackles and at least one play where Ken Hamlin deliberately avoided tackling someone. At least I think it was 26. Maybe it was 28, but I did say outloud to no one in particular "26 is a pussy". I'll take the Cheifs at home and big: Cheifs 34 Seahawks 20

Rams +8.5 over CHARGERS
Chargers got off to a bad start in KC, then came back, then lost it on a last second field goal. This team is talented, but I'm starting to believe the critics who claim Marty Schottenheimer (and yes, I probably spelled that wrong) can get too conservative and lose games that way. After their bye, Rams find themselves tied for the NFC West lead after Seattle played like doodoo last week. The Chargers secondary is banged up, but at least Merriman will be playing this week as he awaits the appeal on his suspesion. Chargers 33, Rams 30.

Nope, you got it right. Schottenheimer. Funny story from yesterday: me and Mrs. Claus were at the players gate waiting for Packers along with another group of Virginians we met up with. One of the guys had a "Rainman-esque" ability to identify every Packer player, coach and trainer by sight (he correctly identified every person coming out of the parking lot including strenght and conditioning coach Rock Gilliam). I told him "If you spot Kurt Schottenheimer, let my wife know. I want everybody's signature but his". When a player wants to "ignore" the autograph seekers he will often pretend he's on his cell phone as he drives by the gate. I told Mrs. Claus "If Kurt Schottenheimer stops to sign the ball, just pretend you're on your cell phone". Anyway, I don't know what to make of this game, so I'll take the Bolts: Bolts 31 Rams 20.

BRONCOS -2.5 over Colts
We'll see just how good that Broncos defense is. And how this year's Colts offense matches up against solid competition. I think these two teams are fairly evenly matched, and the Colts run defense will be hurting without Corey Simon. Watch the Broncos run wild, and pull it out at home. Broncos 20, Colts 17.

Could this be the week the Colts lose their first? Last week they had a pedestrian first half against the Skins and a terrific second half. It's tough to pick against the Broncos at home but I'm going to anyway: Indy 31 Denver 27

BROWNS -2.5 over Jets
I keep expecting the Jets to have a bad game, and they keep proving me wrong. Not this week! Charlie Frye! Kellen Winslow! Braylon Edwards! The Cleveland Browns potent offense goes off! (For a whopping 27 points.) Browns 27, Jets 20.

Correctamundo. The Jets are playing over their heads and that's all about good coaching. I think St. Ides might have been right about Herm Edwards all along. The Jets come crashing to earth: Browns 24 Jets 21

Steelers -9.5 over RAIDERS
After the Raiders thumped the Cardinals last week, I'm tempted to take them and the home points. Then I remember how bad they are and how awful their coach is, and I just can't do it. Steelers 28, Raiders 17.

Big Dumb Ben is questionable with a brain injury, and that's sort of funny because I didn't realize the kid had a brain in the first place. If he can't go then it's Charlie Batch, and you know what? I think that's enough to keep the game close. Steelers 31 Raiders 24

PANTHERS -5.5 over Cowboys
Tony Romo, meet Julius Peppers. The Dallas offensive line was as much to blame for Bledsoe's benching as he was. Okay, maybe not. Maybe it was that pick he threw in the end zone. But guess what, Romo did the same thing later in the game, and his mistake went the other way fora 90+ yard score. Speaking of Romo, time for the trivia answer. The other three undrafted QBs starting this week: Jake Delhomme, Jon Kitna, and Damon Huard. Panthers 24, Cowboys 16.

Kitna wasn't drafted? No shit! Anyway, I don't think this game is going to be close. The 'boys are in a state of disarray and a road game against a good D is the last thing Tony Romo needs to get right. Parcells will offer a simple game plan and the Cats will be all over it. Panthers 27 Cowboys 10

Patriots -2.5 over VIKINGS
What does it tell you that the Vikings thumped the Seahawks in Seattle, yet are still getting points at home this week? That the AFC is still much better than the NFC. I think. Who knows. I just know I'm frickin sick of hearing about how great Steve Hutchinson is (okay, he's good, but not $49 million good), and how he's the reason the Seahawks are struggling (he's not, and 4-2 isn't exactly 1-5), and how he sprung Chester Taylor's 95-yard TD run (he didn't, and that was more the safeties fault than any big block). Please, for the love of god, someone roll up his knee, hell, both knees, and put me out of my misery by crippling him. Oh, and by the way, the Seattle defense gave two Vikings receivers concussions and another an injured back. So they're down to like their 4th and 5th string receivers. No way this offense does anything against a defense whose players actually stick to their assignments. Patriots 24, Vikings 10.

I wish I'd saved my emails from St. Ides about Steve Hutchinson from the last two seasons. He was St. Ides's wet dream: a Michigan Wolvereen playing for the Seahawks. St. Ides extolled his virtues in a series of love stories, err, emails that would have made Harlequin squirt their corporate shorts. Anyway, I agree with his analysis: New England will have no trouble with this Viqueens team, even in the Metrodome. Patsies 23 Viqueens 7


  1. WHOA, thats a big spread for the Pats. This is the first NEERVOUS gamme of the season for me (which says alot about their record) The Pats have really only beaten one good team (Bengals) and they are proving to be not that good, so this is what they call the ol fashioned "Measuring stick game". The Pats need one too - cause I have serious questions about this team, and I need to see them play against a good team to see where they truly fit in.

    In a span of 5 weeks, we got Viqueens (thanks claus for that name), Indy, JETS (i have to include them now) & Bears. Good football watching for anonymous coming up baby.

    I'm also psyched for the Indy/denver game - I believe Denver wins this too, their D is drawing comparisons to the 85 bears - and what I've seen of them...I can see that. Yes, hands down the BEST Def in the country vs Best OFF - usually D wins...good game

  2. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to claus again for failing to get his picks in...."BOOOO to the queen of filth, to the queen of slime, to the queen of PUUUUUtrescence!!!"

    for trivia #2: name that movie that quote came from

  3. I'm usually good at movie quotes but you got me on this one. Do tell, what's the movie?

  4. Princess Bride. But I had to cheat.

    He has an obsession with that movie I think. :P

  5. Ahh - "the princess bride"

    i expected Ides to get it, but alas, he probably only posts and doesn't read.

    Good game for claus to goto - a whooping by the pack....i'm ready for my game tonight

  6. It appears the only contributor that didn't have a happy ending this week was St. Ides. New England looked friggin awesome last night.

    Anyway, I took the day off today to run some errands and get reacclimated to the sunny south, though I have to say the weather in Green Bay wasn't bad at all.

    Either way, it's good to be home.
