Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Sunday

One thing you’ve got to hand to this global warming thing: the drier climate in the summer has kept my lawn relatively tame. Of course, the stronger-moister-more-intense storms that are making their way through the east coast have brought upon a grand late season rally for the lawn, and so today at 8:00 AM I was outside manning the mower for about the fourth time this season.

It was a good battle. I drained two tanks of gas and several phasers, and much like the Yangs the grass kept coming. OK, that’s a Star Trek reference: google “The Omega Glory”. However when the battle ended, Mrs. Samichlaus was proud that she could boast a freshly mowed lawn to go with her exhausted husband.

OK, now on to the Packers game.

The Packers looked real good today, then they looked real bad, and then Jon Kitna showed up and all of a sudden they looked real good again. This Packer team isn’t much different than last year’s team: once again they are the youngest team in the league, and at times they play like it. They came out like gangbusters, taking a 21-0lead and leaving the Lions looking baffled and befuddled. Aaron Rodgers was all farts and giggles on the sideline as halftime approached and I started thinking to myself “this is too easy”. Turns out I was right. The Lions scored 25 points… yes, there was a safety involved, and the Packers answered with a field goal. That put the score at an improbable 25 – 24 with 7:21 to go, and now I thought to myself “this is a good test for Aaron”.

Last week, Aaron Rodgers was like a silent assassin, cool and unflappable. BTW, I never noticed this before, but you spell assassin “ass” “ass” “in”. Go figure. Anyway, this week the silent assassin (I just love typing that word all of a sudden!) had to come from behind.

Just let it go.

Back on track. Rodgers drove the team quickly down field and after Brandon Jackson inexplicably left his feet to try to catch a third down pass, the Packer kicked a field goal putting them up by two. It was then that Jon Kitna showed up. An interception to Charles Woodson (Jacksons scores a TD on a 18 yard TD run), another interception to Woodson for six, and a final interception to Nick Collins for another six, put this game away.

Next week the Cowboys come to town. The Cowboys don’t drop passes. Their QB doesn’t throw interceptions, and gets to have sex with Jessica Simpson. Their star wide receiver actually plays well enough that no one talks about his potential anymore because he’s realized it. The Pack will have to play a perfect game to have a chance to win that one. Either that or drain a few phasers on the Cowboys who also like the Yangs will keep coming.

1 comment:

  1. Only had to mow your lawn 4 times all year?!? Wow. I've mowed mine probably close to a dozen. :(

    As for the word "assassin", did you know its origin is from "hashishin" or something along those lines, and referred to some old school Muslim lunatics (as opposed to the new school Muslim lunatics) who smoked up hashish before going out and killing people? True story.
