Wednesday, April 27, 2005

NFL Draft Diary

Well, a couple days late, but here's a running diary I kept during this past weekend's NFL draft. And, for the record, I didn't let out a scream when Seattle took a frickin center in round one, though I was annoyed and confused. However, after several days of reading about the kid, and their second round pick (middle linebacker from USC whose name I can't remember how to spell yet), I like both picks. Anyways, on to the running diary...

12:00pm - It's running diary time! Looks like a good start, with Chris Berman, Mel Kiper Jr., Chris Mortensen, and player commentator Torry Holt. I generally like Holt and think he's pretty intelligent (as NFL players go), but he's wearing these ridiculous glasses.

I'm actually kind of surprised they had Sportscenter on before this, and didn't come and get all the pre-game BS out of the way early. So now San Fran in on the clock, you gotta figure they have their mind made up by now, but they're sitting through all the initial "Who's the #1 pick gonna be?" doodoo.

It'll be interesting to see how quickly the draft moves along. Each team gets 15 minutes. That's a lot of time. If everybody takes their full time, by 5pm we'll still only be through 16 picks. Ouch. I probably won't make it into round 2 with this.

I'm gonna go with Edwards at #1. Just cause it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize the Niners are still gonna suck this year, and could very well find themselves at #1 overall next year, where they can grab local boy (and much better QB prospect) Matt Leinart. But all the announcers are saying Alex Smith, so they're probably right.

12:10pm: First commercial. Not one mention that the Niners are almost ready to announce their pick. It's like they purposely planned it so they take the full 15 minutes so they can bullshit.

12:11pm: Okay, we just got scammed. They just came back from commercial, and NOW the commisioners announced the Niners are on the clock. 10 minutes wasted. Doh!

12:14pm: They just interviewed Alex Smith. Seems like a nice enough and smart enough kid. Then again, what did we expect? He's from Utah for fucks sake!

12:25pm: Alex Smith it is. Now how are they going to draft Leinart too next year? Oh well, decent pick I guess, no big surprise. I'm just annoyed they took the FULL 15 minutes. This diary might not last too long at this pace...

12:39pm: Ugh, Miami almost took the whole clock too. We'll barely squeeze 3 picks in before 1pm. They take Ronnie Brown, RB from Auburn. So much for Ricky Williams coming back. I wonder if he's smoking a big phatty and watching this right now. Probably not.

12:51pm: Cleveland takes Braylon Edwards, WR from Michigan. Now who the hell is going to throw the ball to him? Trent Dilfer? I might be going out on a limb here, but I think the Browns are still several years away from the playoffs. Chicago on the board now. They'll go with either Cedric Benson or Mike Williams I think.

1:12pm: Chicago just took Cedric Benson. During his 60 second interview he said "Ya know" about 90 times, "I'm just glad it's over" 5 times, and "Well, whatever" 3 times. Wow, he sounds totally unintelligent. He says he was getting talked down to by coaches and GMs, and compared to Ricky Williams because he's from Texas, had dreads, had a "similar background" (not sure what that means, smoking reefer?), and is also African American. Yeah? I didn't even notice, Cedric. After the showed the highlights, I thought "good pick". After they interviewed him, I thought "awful pick". Tampa Bay on the clock now. Likely Cadillac Williams.

1:35pm: Tampa took Cadillac Williams, who told us for the 7th time today how he got the nickname. Tennessee took Pac Man Jones, which led to the most amusing scene of the day: Mr. Jones celebrating with his family, hair a mess, baseball cap on sidewides, white T-shirt, and a Pac Man medallion hanging around his neck on a long chain. The Pac Man is glistening like it's covered in diamonds. He looks like the Dave Chappelle when he does his Little John impersonations. Couldn't Pac Man have sprung for a nice 3-piece suit? Is it unfair to label picks on their clothing and interviews?

2:18pm: Just as I find out we're going out for dinner around 4:30pm, and I don't think I'll still be home for the Seattle pick, Detroit helps my hopes a little by getting their pick in within the first 2 minutes they are on the clock! Their pick, WR Mike Williams from USC, is a bit more puzzling. This is the 3rd WR they've drafted in the 1st round in 3 years?!? I guess williams was just too good to pass on at this point. If he had actually played this past year, he very well could have been the #1 overall pick. Let's hope Detroit sets a trend here of getting the pick in quickly, and not taking all frickin 15 minutes.

4:10pm: Well, so much for getting Pollack. cinci took him at 17th. Then Minnesota took Erasmus James at 18th. Shawne Merriman and Derrick Johnson are gone, to San Diego at 12th and KC at 15th (the steal of the draft, I think, so far, by the way). Cody and Roth are still there, and only Jacksonville and Baltimore are left before Seattle, and I don't think either need a DLineman. Then again, I probably just jinxed myself.

4:30pm: Seattle traded their pick to the Raiders. Moved down 3 slots, and picked up a fourth round pick. I guess that's not so bad, considering most of the top tier guys on defense are gone by now. Sadly, now I must leave to go out for dinner, so I won't actually get to see Seattle's pick... Unless we get to the bar fast enough to catch it there!

(Later that night): Got to the bar in time to see Seattle pick... a frickin center... Ugh... I was confused and baffled at the time, made more frustrating that I couldn't hear the TV in the bar, so I couldn't figure out what the talking heads were saying about this guy. We needed defense, and took an offensive lineman. Our offensive line already has two Pro Bowlers, I'd say it wasn't really a high need. Oh well, let's hope they pick up some decent defensive players with the rest of their picks, and I'll trust the front office knows what they are doing..

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