Thursday, June 16, 2005

Koren Dropinson

Well, a little slow (yes, I'm slacking during the NFL off-season a bit), but the Seahawks released Koren Robinson last week. It's a bit sad, considering this guy has a ton of potential. He had a rough year this past season, and soon became to be known as Koren Dropinson after being unable to catch balls that hit him in the fucking chest. Will I miss him? Nope...

He was just one of those players who didn't take the game seriously enough and didn't realize how lucky he was to be getting paid millions of dollars a year to play a game. His troubles date back a few years, when he was late or flat out skipped team meetings and optional workouts. He has had team-imposed suspensions for several games in both of the past two seasons. And, it recently came out that the team felt he had a drinking problem, so he went into a rehab program this off-season.

Well, in early May, he was pulled over and arrested for DWI. I'm too lazy to find the exact number right now, but I think he blew something like a 0.11, which was like twice the legal limit. Someone on the Seahawks board did some (questionable) math with the whole blood alcohol content thing and his bodyweight, and calculated he would have had to have 8 drinks in the past two hours to have been at that level.

Holmgren stuck up for this guy again and again and again. Hell, he might have even given him another chance if it weren't for the new front office with their real "we don't take crap from players" approach. I even read a quote somewhere that after Mr. Dropinson got out of rehab, he said something like, "Well, the team thinks I had a problem cause I drink sometimes, so they wanted me to enter this program. I did it, and now I'm ready to play." Notice the denial in there - he doesn't have a problem, the team "thinks" he does. He even had his mother talking to the media pleading his case about what a good boy he is, and he has things straightened out now, and he doesn't have a problem. Drinking problem or not, when you make millions of dollars a year… take a fucking cab home if you've been drinking!!!! Jesus H. Christ, I'll never understand this. Hire a fucking private limo for the night, for fucks sake. What's one cost? Like a grand, tops? You make that playing a single down, you fuck!

Anyways, I'm glad to see him go. Although there is the fear that he'll sign with some team and be dope, enough is enough. It looks like Bobby Engram will move up to the #2 receiver opposite Jackson. And although Engram dropped that tough catch to end the playoff game last year, he has had consistently better hands than Koren. Joe Jurevicious (no, I'm not looking up the correct spelling) and Jerome Pathon will battle it out for the #3 slot. Both are proven veterans with slightly different roles they're good at filling.

Overall, I'm still very happy with our offseason. There's still a chance we'll sign former Raven LB Peter Boulware (whose brother plays Safety), but there's some questions about the health of his knee and whether he could be an every down player. Oh, and early previews are not only picking the Rams, but the Cardinals (the fucking Cardinals!!!) to finish ahead of Seattle in the division. Considering it's pretty much the same exact offense as last year (between suspensions and injuries, Robinson didn’t play enough to make an impact) and I think the defense will be much improved, I think Seattle will surprise some people. Where last year at this time, they were a trendy Super Bowl pick, this year people think they will suck, as usual. And that's just the way I like it. I don't want people jumping on the Seattle bandwagon. I've suffered aboard it long enough to be entitled to some elbow room on it. Unless of course we make the Super Bowl. Then everybody can jump on. As long as I'm at the steering wheel.

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