Thursday, December 7, 2006

Anti-Picks (a week late)

So, as I mentioned in a recent post, I'm doing so bad in my "money" pool (pick any 5 games each week, with the spread), I'm near last place. Finishing in last has a $300 prize. Winning a single week (which requires going 5 for 5 and often goes to the Monday night point tie-breaker) has a $200 prize. Winning one would be nice.

Baltimore +3.5 over BENGALS
Already got a winner.. err.. I mean loser here! As I said in the "real" picks post, I just had a feeling the Bengals would get on a roll and the Ravens' roll was bound to stop. Why not on the road in a divisional game? 0-1 baby!

RAIDERS -2.5 over Texans
Betting on Art Shell and Aaron Brooks is a sure way to lose.

Cowboys -3.5 over GIANTS
Giving more than a field goal at the Meadowlands with an unproven starting QB going into hostile territory? Yes please! What all the Romo ass-kissers are forgetting is that when he first replaced Bledsoe, it was in the second half against the Giants in Dallas, and he proceeded to throw 3 picks, ending any hopes of a Cowboys comeback. As much as I sorta liked the guy after his Favre impersonation, my hatred of the Cowboys, Parcells, and TO are now being supplemented with the media's total fascination with him. So I'm off the Romo bandwagon.

Seattle +3.5 over BRONCOS
The reverse reverse jinx. I never pick Seattle in hopes that I won't jinx them. In fact, I almost always pick AGAINST them to try the reverse jinx. This week, it's the double reverse. By not not picking them, they'll probably lose. Which is what I want. Well, no, I don't WANT them to lose. But I think their chances of winning in Denver are slim to none. So why not pick them? If they lose (as expected), great, at least I got a wrong pick right and closer to $300. If they win, well, I got a pick right, but they somehow pulled off the upset in Denver, which I'll be ecstatic about. Worse case scenario is they lose by less than 4. Then they lose the game AND I get the pick right. Oh well, gotta take some chances yo.

EAGLES +3.5 over Panthers
Jeff Garcia, meet Julius Peppers. The Eagles are just NOT the same team without McNabb. And the Panthers are pissed off about losing to the Skins last week.

1 comment:

  1. Still having some serious issues posting anything more than a few paragraphs. I even switched to shitty Opera web browser. Same deal.
