Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blizzards and Blogging

First of all, to my dear friend Anonymous who never fails to take full advantage of St. Ides and my policy of not editing user comments, we unequivically do not suck. True, our predictions are often times a bit off and yes we do lapse in our committment to this blog from time to time, but we absolutely do not suck. I poke, and St. Ides licks like a rabid lizard. And second of all, you mentioned that your sister attended Union College. Her name isn't Brianna is it? Because I swear to the good Christ if I banged your sister in '93 I'm never going to live this down.

There's a blizzard in Albany today, but I was lucky enough to catch the last flight out... to Cincinnati. So I figure this is a good time to blog about some of the things that have transpired over the last several weeks. And it has nothing to do with the fact that Anonymous called us out. No no no.

The Packers lost to the Cowboys on a Thursday night game, and make no mistake about it, the better team won. The Packers were undiciplined and unruly, played with a poor game plan, were beaten on both sides of the ball, and lost by 10. It should have been a lot worse, except for the brilliant play of Aaron Rogers who brought the Packers within one before their defense completed its self distruction. This was by far their worst game of the year... and they only lost by 10. To paraphrase Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber" I'm telling you there is a chance.

The Patriots continue to roll over the league, and I have to say I actually took pleasure in their victory over the Steelers. Now, I don't think I'm alone in the sentement here but there's a team that's used to getting all the big calls. The Pats gave 'em and old fashioned ass whoopin', and a well deserved one at that. I don't even want to venture a guess as to what they're going to do to the Jets this weekend. One last thought: I saw the Ravens game. The Ravens played their asses off, and lost fair and square. Sometimes the better team just wins.

Seattle is in the playoffs. St. Ides? Are you out there?

Les Miles isn't going to coach Michigan next year... is he?

The steroid report came out today, and as I expected the New York Yankees are a bunch of juiced up losers. Roger Clemens and Andy Pettit should come as no surprise to anyone who follows the game. Both these guys had careers on the downswing and suddenly both these guys rediscovered 5 mph on their fastballs. Coincidence? My advice to them is get a Bowflex like Brett Favre did... come to think of it, he looks a bit sprity this season...


  1. OMG, you Fcked my sister!!!!!!

    and no her name isn't Brianna, that's just her "stage" name....Union's expensive.

    So I wouldn't say the Pats are rolling over people at all - just kinda getting by, and they are beatable. If the weather turns poor and they can't pass ( ie this sunday) a good running team can definitely beat them (not the jets however)

    So i'm concerned.

    Hasselstiff or is it Hasselback? I'm waiting on St Ides to determine this, if he does decide to ever return to this blog with his name attached.

    What you didn't know about Clemens and Pettite was instead of injecting using needles, they would sprinkle it on you know what, and lick it off...those filthy bastards.

    Anyway, onto another football weekend - I'm looking forward to today's picks :\

  2. Everybody is beatable, but the good teams find a way to win (Romo to whoeverthefuckitwas with 18 seconds left) and the bad teams fail to recover the easy fumble (Paris Lennon for Detroit about 30 seconds earlier). Some guys are predicting 70 points for the Patriots this weekend, which as far as I'm concerned is absurd. However I don't doubt that they will win. But the Jets have something to play for as well, and it might be closer than you think.

    We'll try to get to some predictions today. I have some work to do but I'll do my best. Oh, and I'm supposed to meet with Verizon at 3 or so to discuss bringing FIOS into the house. Always looking to improve our IT infrastructure at the SBS Southeast regional office...

  3. if the weather was good this weekend, I think they Pats could drop upper 50's on the jetisons, but bad weather, will limit them to about 30 - 35pts
