Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hyping the Super Bowl Hype

Well, we're down to the Final Four. And our picks so far have been fairly mediocre these playoffs. (St. Ides with an abysmal 2-6 record, Samichlaus at 5-3.) So, heading into the weekend, Samichlaus asked me the following question regarding Super Bowl hype:

"What's worse: Vick hype or Rothlesberger hype? Christ, imagine if Atlanta plays Pittsburgh? I might have to block ESPN for 2 weeks on the dish..."

So I decided to break down the hype for all 4 remaining teams...

I think the Ben hype is worse. For one simple reason: He hasn't really done jack sh1t yet to deserve it. Yes, his team won the first 13 games or whatever that he started. But they did it with an awesome D and running game. Imagine, if you will, if the year the Ravens won the Super Bowl that Trent Dilfer were a rookie. He managed the games, didn't make mistakes, and was an efficient passer when needed. What happened? He was a journeyman so he got almost no hype and wasn't even re-signed after they won the Super Bowl. Just because this kid's a rookie he's getting hyped like crazy. How many highlight film plays can you remember him making this season? Maybe one or two? Hell, I can't even think of one right now.

Meanwhile, Vick, although he's still not a great passer, he's a frickin human highlight reel. Even when the game was out of hand, he was spinning and juking in the backfield, and even took a hard hit or two which made me wonder why the heck he was still in the game.

The Super Bowl hype will get annoying no matter which way it turns out.. it always is. And the worst part is it's so frickin predictable and uncreative it's not funny. So here's a preview:

Eagles: McNabb as finally "taking the next step". The Eagles finally getting past the NFC title game, and how they can maybe finally bring a championship home. Comparisons to the Red Sox this year of a team that often fell JUST short of the title.

Falcons: Vick, Vick, and more Vick. Jim Mora, Jr. and what a great coach he is and at least one father-son interview, possibly with Mora Sr. breaking into tears. Their "underappreciated" defense and running game. Linebacker Keith Brooking (cause he's white).

Pats: Dynasty? Belichek as a genius and the best coach in the NFL. Their hard-working defense with no true "stars". Brady as the next Montana.

Steelers: Ben, Ben, and more Ben. The Bus as one of the greatest RBs ever. Cowher and the scowl, and how the Steelers have come up short several times recently too. And at least 3 pieces on how this is the return of the "Steel Curtain" defense.

There, i just provided all the sports networks and websites with 2 weeks worth of topics in about 5 minutes. They should really make me a frickin editor or something.

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