Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Major board announcement!!!!!!

We're back! Phone your drunk ass friends and tie your daughters down, America's favorite sports blogging Steves are back. We'll be providing our usual weekly insights including our now famous picks as well as detailed Seahawks and Packers information you can't find anywhere else! And for all you ladies, Ol' Samichlaus will be sharing those sporting secrets that make up a healthy marriage so stand by for another terrific season of Dr. Phil and some sports blogging.

So, how did this all happen? I mean with St. Ides now a father and Ol' Samichlaus once again unemployed, what could possibly motivate us to blog? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that St. Ides is a father and I'm unemployed.

Actually it was this email I sent to St. Ides:

"Hey you fucking Irish prick, I miss our football chats! How the hell are you? I've been thinking about you, what with Michigan in the proverbial shitter and football season under way. I heard the Seahawks got Charlie Frye and thought "well crap, the rich just keep getting richer". Things are OK here in the southland, but I am still out of work. I've got a few hot leads but still no offers. I even had to apply for unemployment, but I'm not complaining. We're OK with money so I am being a bit choosy.

How's life and fatherhood treating you? Drop me an email when you get a chance, oh and tell Anonymous the Patriots are a bunch of cheating pieces of shit."

St. Ides thought this was a good time to bring up the old blog:

"Hahaha I just finished writing a reply to Anonymous about the Patriots. He doesn't think they'll take away a first round pick, I think it's pretty likely.

Things are good! Fatherhood is pretty exciting. I've given up on Michigan for this season obviously, but Seattle looks good! Their defense was scary good this weekend. Kerney, Peterson, and Tatupu were all over the place, and the secondary actually played well for a change. Those two new safeties make a BIG difference.

Green Bay had a nice win too. A lot of people were on the Eagles' peepee before the season, but I think they're overrated.

Good luck with the job search! If you have enough spare time in between resume tweaking and interviews, maybe we could actually resume our picks or something. :P"

And that's how it happened.

All I can say is I'm glad we're back, and we hope you are too!

The Eagles' peepee?


  1. You two sissies, talking about the NFL and including the NFC conference in general is joke unto itself. "Hey the Seattle Defense is awesome" "Green Bay beat a real tough, contender Philly"

    I mean, seriously, ARE YOU KIDDING ME DOG? The AFC will kick the shit outta you. I could make the argument that the 6th best AFC team, beats the best NFC team.

    And now onto the cheating business, let me let you in on a little secret - "everyone cheats and everyone lies". stop sniffing around other pooches cuchies, and start sniffing yer own

  2. It ain't the Steves that are doin' the sniffin', it's the commissioner's office. Don't shoot the messenger Anonymous, we're just calling them like we see 'em, or in this case (to reiterate) like the commissioner sees 'em. By the way, reiterate means to repeat something.

    But I won't argue with your assessment about the lack of parity between the leagues. After the game on Sunday I remarked to my wife (who has promised me a trip to the Super Bowl if the Packers get to the game) "We've got a shot at getting there in the weak-ass NFC. I mean, it's not like we could beat the fifth best team in the AFC but we have a shot at getting there".

    Stay tuned, and leave my poor dogs twat out of this.

  3. Fine your dogs twat will stay out.

    I have to admit, I'm a little embarrassed about the whole thing. I heard this morning Mangini reported it to the commish about what the Pats do, but they haven't been able to catch them in the past.

    Oh well, the timing isn't so good. And to think if the Raiders were caught doing this, no one, and I mean NO ONE would care.

    By week 4 no one will remember.

    so, with that said - how bout them Packers!

  4. ...and let me add, I watched the Pats - Jets game on NFL Replay. Frankly speaking, it didn't matter if they were "stealing signs" or not. Brady had all day to throw and Randy Moss looked like he did circa 1998.

    That's what is most astonishing about this debacle: The Patriots accomplished nothing by doing it. Does anyone believe that Tom Brady can't walk up to the line of scrimmage, read the defense and adjust accordingly? He's arguably the best QB in the league (and no one is going to argue that he isn't in the top 5). What do you gain by stealing the signs?

    Anyway, I do agree with one other sentiment: the biggest crime the Pats committed was they got caught. It doesn't make it right but it is what it is.

    ...and how 'bout them Packers? We've got a good shot against the Giants this week wouldn't you say?
