Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Enough with TO already...

Who said T.O. puts the "TO" in "tough"? Well, I haven't read that actual quote yet, but I thought I'd jump on the "easy TO headline" bandwagon before it's over.

Give me a frickin break. Not quite ready to make a Super Bowl pick yet, but for those of you who have had enough TO BS and him calling it a miracle, and blah blah blah, I point you to this article here, a talk with former Rams defender Jack Youngblood (even his name sounds tough) who broke his leg in round one AND CAME BACK FOR THE SECOND HALF!

Read about it here on CNNSI, and take particular note of Youngblood's comment on comparing the injuries: "He's been out of the game for what, five weeks? He's been convalescing. After four weeks, an amputation should be healed. Shouldn't it?"


  1. Wow that was short. Packerman hasn't slept in 5 days and he managed 5+ paragraphs. We only get two from you and it was linked to Peter King which everyone probably already read....

    Did you see Bill Simmons' blog from Media Day? my favorite was this quote: The worst-selling jersey in Super Bowl history. (the picture was the back of a Patriots player in Uniform - with last name: GAY ) too funny

  2. God forbid we actually have work to do. :P

    Besides, what else is there to say about the damn Super Bowl that a bajillion (that's like 21 zeroes or somethin) other people aren't already saying?

    And yes, I saw the Gay photo. Funny stuff. I hope I get that internship. :P
