Monday, February 7, 2005

Super Bowl Recap, Things I forgot

Oops, I forgot to mention two things. And since it wouldn't be fair to our readers for me to go back and edit the longass previous post, here's a separate one mentioning two more things...

First, let me pat myself on the back for this uncanny prediction. I wrote this on Friday:

"McNabb throws a pick early, and never really recovers. I'll say on Philly's 3rd possesion of the game, with the score 7-3 Pats, that seems about the time for him to implode."

Guess what. That pick he threw on the Patriots 3 yard-line was Philly's 3rd possession. The score was still 0-0 at the time, and he didn't completely implode. But he didn't exactly light it up after that either. 3rd possession is the key phrase. If I had only added "in the RedZone" and I might be starting my own psychic hotline right about now.

Secondly, I mentioned Irvin briefly in his knee-slapping, hand-shaking, gut-bursting guffawing, hidden racist moment with Chris Rock. What I forgot to mention was that he failed to be elected in the Hall of Fame. Now, I didn't watch the pre-game show closely enough to see if Steve Young gave him any shit about it (which I doubt he did) or if anybody at all even mentioned the Hall of Fame with Michael sitting there, but I remember a few weeks ago when Berman said something to Young about how he would likely be elected into the Hall in a few weeks, and Young said something like "Well, it could be two of us actually" looking at Irvin. Irvin had this big smile and was kinda shrugging like "Yeah, you never know, it could be!" but he still had that same cocky aura that you could tell he thought he would get in. Like he didn't say "Nahhh, it'd be nice, but I don't think so" or anything like that, he just kinda accepted the comment like he agreed with it.

I can't seem to find the actual vote counts and how close Irvin was to making it, but I wouldn't be surprised if his run ins with the law and his oh-so-irritable broadcasting style keeps him out. And, when you really think about it, was he really that dominant a player in his day? So keep laughing it up, Michael. No Hall for you!

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