Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Notes from other people's notes

The very first blog I ever did started out with the postulate that I didn’t like to write. I always found writing to be an exercise in tedium at best, surpassed in its bore-inducing uselessness only by reading. Now there’s a waste of time. I can read a 400 page novel about the battle of Gettysburg and take a good month to finish it or I can watch a finely crafted TV show that takes a little less than an hour if it’s Tivo’d. Isn’t this a far better use of my leisure time?

Of course, writing the blog has changed my opinions considerably. I find that I actually enjoy writing. What’s more astounding is that I really enjoy reading the things I write, which has had a curious side effect: I’m enjoying reading what other people write as well.

I’ve been reading all sorts of stuff that other people write: blogs, magazine articles, news papers and books just to name a few. The whole book thing is really cool and if you’ve never read one they’re kind of like a blog except bigger. They cover all sorts of subject matter. Some of them are about true events and some of them are about events that are completely made up. The latter, referred to as “fiction”, are reminiscent of the Packers defensive game plans from last season. The other thing about books is there’s this whole secret cult that book people belong to. These people, called “readers”, both announce their membership and attempt to ascertain yours by asking the secret cult question: “So, what are you reading?” Non cult members do not comprehend this question, and usually reply with a snide comment like “Reading? I thought I was talking to you, asswipe.” Cult members that I have identified have several appropriate responses, but the one most frequently given is “The Da Vinci Code”. I have concluded that there is a heirarchial structure to the cult and that these are the lowest, most common members.

Today I’ve been reading about my beloved Packers. Training camp is in full swing as the Packers prepare for tomorrow night’s game against the San Diego Chargers. Expect the starting unit to play for the first quarter, the second unit to play for the second and third quarters, and the waver fodder to wrap it up in the fourth quarter. The game will be broadcast live on ESPN, and despite this I’ll still be tuning in.

Some of the things I’ll be watching:

1. Favre’s arm strength. As mentioned in the previous post, Favre’s arm looked a bit relaxed during the scrimmage. Favre worked hard on conditioning during the off season, but mostly on improving his quickness. The coaching staff does not seem to be worried about his arm, but I’m terrified.

2. The offensive line. The impact of the loss of Mike Wahle and Marco Rivera was never more evident than during the Packers – Bills scrimmage last Friday. Bills linemen and blitzing defensive backs were constantly harassing Packer quarterbacks. Once again, the coaching staff is not worried. Once again, I’m terrified.

3. Nick Collins from Bethune – Cookman. According to published reports, Collins has move into the starting unit at the free safety position. The rookie has had an outstanding camp thus far, but now faces two new challenges. First, he will be going against the opposing teams best players. Second, he will line up along side of strong safety Mark Roman who is universally regarded as the worst player on the worst defense in Packer history. I mention his college, Bethune - Cookman because St. Ides unmercifully busted my balls over this second round draft pick.

4. Mike Hawkins, fifth round draft pick and second unit / dime package corner. Here’s what Cliff Cristl had to say in today’s J.S. Online (Milwaukee newspaper): “In the close to 60 years that the Green Bay Packers have played two-platoon football, they might have had only one rookie cornerback display as much potential as Mike Hawkins this early in camp. That was Willie Buchanon in 1972. Some old scouts still claim he was the best cornerback prospect ever, at least pre-Deion. To this point, Hawkins has made a play almost every day that jumps out.”

5. Najeh Davenport. Well, at least Karen will be watching him. Najeh returned to practice on Tuesday after injuring his ankle during Friday’s scrimmage. Expect him to see some playing time against the Chargers.

6. The Packers Defense. I saw some things I liked on Friday and some things that I didn’t. For example, I liked the aggressive play of the first unit linemen. I didn’t like the second unit at all, which looked an awful like Bob Slowik’s “defense” from last year. This time the coaches agree with my assessment. I’m liking this Jim Bates guy more and more.

7. Aaron Rogers. I can’t wait to see him play at game speed. I liked the way he handled himself on Friday. He showed a strong quick release and a nice touch on the ball, but for the most part the kid was running for his life.

Enjoy the rest of your day, you wacky SBS fans!

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