Saturday, August 27, 2005

Odds and ends at 10 PM

Well SBS fans, it's 10:00 on a Saturday night. Karen and I are working on a "paint by numbers" project from "The Masters Collection". It's from Van Gogh's Sunflower series which according to the box were painted "... in preperation for Gauguin's visit to Arles". The box also goes on to point out that Van Gogh loped off his infamous ear during another of Gauguin's visits. This Gauguin fellow had some affect on Van Gogh, eliciting both incredible creativity and maniacle self mutilation by his mere presence.

Anyway, that's not what I wanted to write about.

Here's a little pop quiz: What do Najeh Davenport, John Riggins, Mr. T and my wife Karen have in common? You'll have to read on for the answer...

Answer: they all have sported Mohawks! Last week the formerly dredlocked Davenport went "Karen in her punk days" and got himself a Mohawk. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal: "The Mohawk is making a comeback in Green Bay. Running back Najeh Davenport, who trimmed his long dreadlocks a few years ago, told receiver Antonio Chatman that he wanted the styled cut. Chatman cuts many of the players' hair, and so he gave Davenport the Mohawk. He gave himself one, too. Then Ahmad Carroll wanted one, as well.

There's no real symbolism to the cut, but we'll see if long-locked Mark Tauscher goes for it. (Samichlaus has found out that Tauscher has a charity, and as part of a charity drive Taucher will cut his hair if a certain donation goal is met)

"Now everybody says they're going to get it," Davenport said. "But I don't know" " .

As if Karen needed another reason to like this guy. Yep, Mrs. Samichlaus bounded around the house in glee when I broke the news. I've got to see if there's a way to upload a picture to this blog so y'all can see Mrs. Samichlaus in her punk'd out state. Frankly though she looks a bit like Travis Bickle.

Just google it, I ain't explaining who Travis Bickle is if you don't know.

Quick check... the Mets lost 2 - 1. See? Every time I start to believe, they break my heart. Oh, and the friggin Yankees scored 5 in the 9th to win.


  1. Anybody who doesn't know who Travis Bickle is needs a serious lesson in movie history. :P

  2. Some of the kids of today aren't as hip as our, err, yours and my generation. For example Mrs. Samichlaus read the blog and spouted "I haven't got time to Google, who the hell is Travis Bickle?". In fairness when I replied "Ronert DeNiro" she said "Oh yeah, in 'Taxi Driver'"
