Monday, October 31, 2005

It's time to think about the good things in life...

We’re going to try something different at SBS this week. Rather than waxing poetic about Brett Favre or analyzing to death the nuances of the latest Packer loss, I feel like writing something happy.

So without further adieu, here are some observations about one of my favorite subjects, life.

From time to time life gives us a little inspiration. Watching Teddy Bruschi playing football on Sunday, seven months removed from a mild stroke was one of those times. And although the Patriots did not blow out Buffalo, they clearly picked it up a notch for their emotional leader and won a tremendous ball game.

Life can be a teacher. Watching the shot of Brett Favre collapsed at the end of Sunday’s game, exhausted and spent, taught me that there’s one guy on the Packers with absolutely no quit, five interceptions and all… but I couldn’t help but think of a well known photograph of Y.A. Tittle kneeling at Yankee Stadium, tired and spent, and at the end of his career.

Life can remind us “be careful what you wish for”. Early in my marriage I wished that Mrs. Samichlaus would really get into football and readers of SBS know she has. I’ve written joyfully about it on this site. But Sunday, watching her heart broken and angry at the end of the Packers game, damn nearly made me cry.

Life sometimes makes me take pleasure in other people’s pain. Yankee fans come to mind. So do L.A. Lakers fans. And while we’re at it, Cubs fans, Eagles fans and Cowboys fans are on that list. Raiders fans used to be on that list, but gained respect in my eyes when they gave Brett Favre a standing O that fateful Monday night. Now, when is Duke going to start losing basketball games?

Life shows that from tragedy comes inspiration. As I watched the score of the Giants game Sunday, I smacked my forehead several times. I had predicted a Redskins win and felt I’d made a good argument. I never considered that the death of 89 year old owner Wellington Mara would inspire that team to beat the high holy shit out of Washington. I guess I never realized how beloved Well Mara was. Stupid me.

Life throws a happy curve sometimes. As I got on the train, I noticed that the coach car had been replaced by a business class car. Amtrak evidently had simply ran out of coach cars. So I write tonight from an extra large seat with more leg room and a curtain to make it cozy, no extra charge.

Life is a good. I’ve been working my buns off lately. My days are long and my weekends are short. I’m tired when I go to bed and I’m tired when I wake up. But every day I get to have an adventure. I meet new people, solve new problems, and get to tell my best friend about it every night. So on Sunday, you can rest assured that my best friend and I will be watching the Steelers and the Packers play, no matter how many interceptions Brett throws. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll catch a little bit of the Giants game during the commercials….


  1. I had the pleasure of being in Gilette Stadium for Bruschi's return. Got great tickets by the 10 yard line, lower tier (same endzone where the Pats scored their 2 TD's to win it - good stuff) I, was among the 1 out of every 3 people wearing Bruschi's jersey that day. Not a great performance by the Champs, but just enough - perhaps knowing if Teddy's willing to give this much of himself to the team with a wife and 3 little Bruschi boys at home, then perhaps its worth it to make that little extra play today to win this game for someone with so much to lose.

    first time in Gilette - what a great place to see a game. Boy those old aluminum seats sure used to suck at 10 degree temps in Dec.

  2. That is so cool! What a great game to pop your cherry. Re seats, at Lambeau there are no seats, in fact the stadium has bench seating. However you can rent these seat cushions with seat backs for $5.00. They make it a bit more comfortable plus they help define your ass space. When we got in the stadium there was one left so we got it. On the way to our seats we passed a truck load of them being delivered so I picked one off the back of the truck and kept walking...
