Monday, January 7, 2008

Recapping St. Ides recap

This started out as a reply on St. Ides's thread, but I figured it was worthy of a thread of its own, so if you can stand not reading any mention of the New England Patriots, read on MacDuff...

We're not professionals? WTF?

Thomas Boswell is a columnist, not a reporter. His job is to write wonderfully biased diatribes that get Redskins fans to shell out their 50 cents to buy the Washington Post. I wouldn't get too upset, he's just doing his job. It's our job as discernable readers with good taste to know the difference. Wait, that just sound wrong. Especially with this crew

On a side note, all the Richmond reporters who were reporting on the VA Tech / Kansas bowl game had that game won for Tech before the damn football was snapped. One went as so far to say that she spoke to about 8 reporters from Kansas and only 1 of them gave Kansas a remote chance to win. Kansas won 24 - 21 proving that either (a) there is no God, (b) no Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, or (c) There is a God, but he was busy getting loaded with Sean Taylor and all those dead students while the games were on (hey, it was a hell of a bender)

The I-Genius should toot his own horn. He had a great season, and should spend as much time as he wants reminding the rest of us. This is "Sports Blog Steves" afterall.

One more thing about Hasslebeck's health: in a press conference this afternoon, Holmgren said the quarterback was suffering from a charley horse, "but he played the rest of the game." He described Hasselbeck being in the training room Monday receiving treatment to his whole body and then said about the thigh: "It's sore.". This reminded Packers beat writer Tom Silverstein of something Holmgren said many years ago about Dorsey Levens. Silverstein writes "After saying Hasselbeck was "OK," it reminded me of the time he was asked about Dorsey Levens' ankle sprain suffered against Tampa Bay following his return from a holdout in '98. Holmgren said he would be out a little while. When pressed how long Levens would be out, I vividly remember him saying, "Let's just say 'weeks'." Well, it turned out Levens not only suffered a severe ankle injury, he broke his fibula and was out for two months.

Finally, St. Ides correctly recounts the "We'll take the ball and we're gonna score" scenario in his thread, and I have nothing to add except for this: Al Harris isn't going to get fooled by a pump fake, but Charles Woodson will. He's the risk taker. A.J. Hawk will too, as will free safety Atari Bigby. Those are the guys I'd be picking on if I were Hasslebeck...

Stay tuned kids...


  1. Talking about the JV league is fun!

  2. Haha. Did you see the hit that hurt Hasselbeck's leg? It was a helmet to the thigh. Luckily, it hit him right on the thigh pad... and cracked it in two. He had to grab 3rd string QB Charlie Frye's thigh pad and yank down his pants behind a few towels held up by coaches to replace it. So I guess that's good that the pad took the brunt of the force.

    Speaking of the last playoff game between the two, they showed it on the NFL Network last night. Here's a few more things most people don't remember:

    1) Yes, Samichlaus was right. It was the same year Favre's dad died. And yes, the announcer said "Irv Favre is smiling down from heaven right now" at least twice.

    2) The Seahawks were up 20-13 late in the 2nd half before the Packers scored twice to go up 27-20 with 2:44 to go in the game. In less than 3 minutes, Hasselbeck orchestrated a near-perfect drive down the field to tie the score.

    3) Unfortunately, it was almost too perfect. The Packers got the ball back in regulation, and thanks to some crappy prevent defense, had a chance to kick the game winning field goal as time expired. Ryan Longwell's 40ish yarder came up short in the cold air.

    4) There were some really forgettable names on that Seattle defense. When I first turned on the game and saw #51, I thought "Hrm, that guy doesn't look like Tatupu..." Sure enough, it was Anthony Simmons. Some other key players on that defense: D.D. Lewis, Reggie Tongue, Cedric Woodard, and Antonio Cochran.

    5) Let's just say it'll be incredibly ironic if Koren Robinson drops some key balls (including what looked to be a sure touchdown) for the other team this time around. ;)

    6) The winning interception touchdown wasn't on Seattle's first possession in OT after the "We want the ball!" quote. Both teams had the ball previously and were forced to punt. People act as if the interception going the other way was the first play after the coin toss. :P

  3. It looks like the Tundra will be frozen too, with highs in the low to mid 20s - however, wind won't be a problem, so both teams will be able to throw.

    I think Seattle has a sound defense and will keep favre contained. I more curious to see what type of Pack defense will be there. This will actually be a fun game to watch for me....not so much for you two, because I suspect it will be close.

  4. Low to mid 20s isn't really that bad for this time of year in Green Bay.

    What's the weather in New England going to be? Might be colder there. ;P

    Oh, and here's a valuable tip from my days as a lifeguard: don't trust the fucking weathermen any more than 1 day in advance. They make that shit up. Even the previous day, they're often WRONG WRONG WRONG. Do you know how many nights I stayed out til 5am drinking because the weatherman predicted rain the following day, so I wouldn't have to go in to the pool, only to have the sun blazing through my window at 9am without a single cloud in the sky?

    Enough times to never, ever trust a weatherman.

  5. You were a lifeguard????!!!!

    I'm trying to picture a young, well-tanned St. Ides in his Speedo hanging out poolside catchin' a few rays. Suddenly there's a woman's scream: "MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND IS DROWNING! SOMEBODY SAVE HER!!!" St. Ides, like an Irish Chuck Norris, jumps into action. He leaps into the pool and pulls the floundering beauty to safety. "She's not breathing", he coolly observes, "Everybody stand back". He tilts the vixen's head back and leans in...

    The beer and whiskey saturated exhale brings the girl to consciousness faster than a bottle of pure ammonia. She leaps to her feet, alive, and suddenly inebriated and thanks the great St. Ides, not remembering how she got so tipsy...

  6. Yeah, I can't imagine St Ides a lifeguard either, but that story was funny.

    Pats game should be clear and mid 30's by gametime - pretty docile for foxborough as well.

  7. One of my friends in college realized the advantages of lifeguarding as a summer job:
    1) The pay was better than most summer jobs. (About $9-$10 an hour compared to about $5-$6 an hour doing something like moving boxes around.)

    2) You get PAID days off when it rains. (Otherwise, who would take the jobs? If it rains all summer, you make zero money.)

    3) You do pretty much nothing at the small private pools where most jobs were available.

    So me and like 4 of my friends all became lifeguards. (I took the lifeguarding course at good ol' FU one weekend, and almost didn't pass because the alcohol from the previous nights were causing me to sink rather than float.)

    And, sadly, your image is way off. I sat under the umbrella with SPF 30 on at all times, so I was the palest lifeguard you'll ever see. In 3 summers, there was probably only about a total of 5 hot females who visited any of the pools I worked at. And I didn't have to ever administer CPR.

    The alcohol fumes part is pretty much dead on though.

  8. And Coca Cola bottles conveniently hide Colt 45. What was that green label crap you and Lustig used to drink?

    it was terrible

  9. Private Stock? The hand grenades with the puzzles on the bottlecaps? It wasn't a green label though, it was green bottles.

  10. YES, Private Stock.

    Remember Lusting drank a 64oz jug when Special Girl spoke to him for the first time?

    good times
