Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Beer Drinking as a Sport?

Okay, so I've been slacking a bit. This isn't really sports related, but read about this guy who used a device to push beer down his throat with such force that it ripped a hole through his stomach. Ouch.

I'm back on board with the Seahawks after a gut-wrenching (but not as gut-wrenching as a drill powered beer funnel) win this past week. They can actually clinch a playoff spot this week if they beat the Jets and a few things go right. Here's what they need to happen...

Seattle win + Dallas loss or tie + N.Y. Giants loss or tie + Detroit loss or tie + Carolina loss + Chicago loss or tie

Oh, and hell to freeze over and monkeys to fly out of my heiney.

Actually, it's not impossible, given the matchups involved:

Dallas at Philadelphia (Saturday), N.Y. Giants vs. Pittsburgh, Detroit vs. Minnesota, Carolina at Atlanta (Saturday), and Chicago vs. Houston.

Figure Dallas, Giants, and Detroit are all expected to lose those games. Actually, Seattle winning is probably the least likely of those to happen, haha. I'm really happy I didn't get tickets for the game.

Oh, and in case you're really bored, here's my breakdown of this past Sunday's game:

Hasselstiff actually looked pretty good. One of his two picks I thought was a pretty blatant pass intereference that didn't get called. There were several calls that went against Seattle (again).. And the last play of the game actually almost hurt too.. With no time on the clock, Culpepper is scrambling around, and gets sacked. But it's one of those tackles where the defender kinda pulls the player on top of him, so he barely touches the ground. Anyways, Culpepper rolls over on him, gets up, and chucks it into the end zone. He was never whistled down. The ball actually was almost caught in the back of the end zone. Now, the replay showed that Culpepper's knee DID touch down when he was being tackled. But if that guy catches the ball, the Vikings go wild, the score board shows the 6 points and all zeroes, the referees run off the field, and Seattle gets screwed again. Hell, even the announcers were talking about how the players and coaches rushed onto the field early if Culpepper wasn't really down, and how they might get flagged and give the Vikes another play. I'd say maybe Seattle's luck is changing a bit, but I think it's more a testimony to Minnesota just being worse off, heh.

So now we're at the Jets next week, then home to Arizona and Atlanta.

Rams lost (as expected) to the Panthers. Chris Chandelier with 6 picks. Oofa. So it's a one game lead. Suddenly it looks like all they really have to do is beat the Cardinals at home to make the playoffs. Rams are at Arizona, then host Philly and the Jets. I don't see them winning all 3 of those, and probably not even 2.

As for Holmgren.. yeah, it was interesting when Collinsworth made the point that if they fired him, he'd still be at the top of the list of available coaches. I mean, who would they replace him with? Wannestadt? Wayne Fontes? Ray Rhodes? Ugh. Personally, I like him most of the time... Though there was a call in the 4th quarter I didn't agree with... Seahawks up by 1. 3rd and 5 from like the Minnesota 30 or so. Hasselstiff drops back, scrambles... sack! Now it'd be about a 52-yard field goal attempt. In a dome. That means no wind or rain. Holmgren decides to punt. The punter actually makes a beauty, and it bounces at the 5 with 3 Seahawks surrounding it. Niko Koutivedes grabs it on the 1, but the tips of his toes touch the goal line. Touchback. One 10-yard running play later, and the Vikings were pretty much back where Seattle would have given it to them had they gone for it on 4th. Luckily, they fumbled in that series soon after, and Seattle booted the insurance kick. But I was fuming when he punted and then it was a touchback.

But they won, that's the important thing, right?

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