Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I really wish I had more time for this….

The very first blog I ever wrote began with the following statement: “I really don’t like to write”. Well, that’s not true. What I actually said was “I love my wife and I really don’t like to write”. Something like that. You can look at our archive file if you’d like to read it, in fact I encourage you to do so. Especially our new readers who I would like to thank.

First of all, a special thanks to Mike Barer who posted here the other day. Mike, I have no idea who you are but (and let me assure you I speak for myself and St. Ides) thanks for stopping by and participating. We don’t get a lot of visitors here, and the ones who usually show up are either (a) spammers or (b) of the "short bus special" variety. OK, that was a direct shot at “Juicy Fruiter”.

Second of all, I would like to thank Karen & Co. for becoming a regular reader. Karen, who shares a first name with my wife, met Mrs. Samichlaus on a chick chat board. I think it was either menstrualchannel or constantblabber, I always get them confused. Karen is a terrific writer and she’s smart as a whip too. St. Ides and I welcome you to our sports blog!

So, as I was saying, the very first blog I ever wrote began with the following statement: “I really don’t like to write”. Well, that’s not true. What I actually said was “I love my wife and I really don’t like to write”. Something like that. You can look at our archive file if you’d like to read it, in fact I encourage you to do so. However I’ve changed my opinion. I do like to write. A lot. It’s the typing that I can’t stand.

I started this blog at 9:00. It’s now 9:49 and I haven’t even gotten to the sports part. It’s awful. It’s bad enough that I didn’t get home from work until 7:45, frantically cooked beef stroganoff and red cabbage for dinner, prepared for a call from a recruiter at 8:30, steamed for a good half hour when I realized the sorry son of a bitch wasn’t going to call, and sat down at the computer to blog, only to realize that I haven’t spent enough time with my wife oh and the goddamn dog keeps begging for treats. It takes me to too long to type. I’m terrible at it. And don’t ask me why I chose a career that requires me to sit in front of a keyboard most of the day. I can’t explain it.

Mrs. Samichlaus and I watched the Seahawks game on Sunday. I haven’t seen the Steelers / Broncos yet, but I have it Tivo’d. The Seahawks game was awesome, and it played out exactly as I thought it would (I predicted a 34 – 10 Seahawks victory, thanyouverymuch). Let’s see if I can remember all of my thoughts…

1. It’s got to be tough to be Matt Hasslebeck. He’s having a career year, yet there were at least four mentions of Brett Favre during the broadcast. The truth is Favre hasn’t looked as good as Hasslebeck looked in a loooooong time.

2. Hasslebeck has taken it to the next level. He’s the best quarterback in the game right now. I don’t care who you put up: Brady, Manning, Rothelisberger, I’ll take Hasslebeck.

3. Was I right about Delhomme? The guy telegraphs every pass and Seattle was all over it. The second interception was priceless. Delhomme was looking right, looking right, looking further right (at his hand I believe) then looking at another interception.

4. When the game began, Carolina’s defense was flying all over the place. They were playing fantastic defense, but it didn’t matter. Seattle still moved the ball against them with ease. After the first few plays I concluded that Carolina was pretty much fucked.

5. Steve Smith is a pretty intense guy. I wish he played for Green Bay. But correct me if I’m wrong: didn’t he seem a bit whiney?

6. Another unfortunate Green Bay comparison: Seattle reminds me so much of the 1996 Packers. It’s a pleasure to watch. They run the purest form of the Midwest coast offense, setting running backs in the split formation, running seam passes and slants. It really reminded me what a well coached team looks like.

7. That Shawn Alexander guy is pretty good. Where y’all been hiding him?

8. Seattle’s defense is a heck of a group. They’ve shut down every team they’ve faced in the playoffs and I can’t imagine that Pittsburgh is going to challenge them, what with that Trent Dilfer wannabe at quarterback.

9. Brain fart. Nothing to type here. Moving right along.

10. I didn’t watch the post game so I missed the Terry Bradshaw thing. However my wife said something that rang true when the game was over. She remarked “Now don’t you wish you had Steve’s home phone number?” She was right, I wished I did.


  1. Actually, dahhhhling, I do believe I met my namesake at Bitch-N-Moan dot come. We're the two women running around screaming "Nope. Not your husband's fault. You're a complete jackass."

    Except Karen usually says it better than I do.

    (Yes, men, there are women out here who believe you do it right most of the time. Sorry. We're already happily married.)

    Now... off to feed the dog more treats.

  2. OK, two things. You thank all these "new readers" blah blah blah blah, but you fail to mention your ONE and only true fan on this site, who probably writes as much as you responding to every fricking column posted, regularly visiting the site 10+ times a day!so thanks for fucking NOTHING!

    Second: "2. Hasslebeck has taken it to the next level. He’s the best quarterback in the game right now. I don’t care who you put up: Brady, Manning, Rothelisberger, I’ll take Hasslebeck."

    just a fucking dumb statement. Lets count how many superbowls he's won.......0......And he onlly recently (2 weeks ago) won his first playoff game. Take him? Are you kidding me? thats a joke

  3. The original Anonymous gets allllll my love.

    But yeah, I don't think I'd take Hasselbeck over Brady. :P But that's probably it at this point.

    Yes, Steve Smith was very whiny. Even when he was walking off the field at halftime, he said something like "Man, they have like 9 guys on me!" to the camera. What did you expect, Steve? The media hyped the living poop out of you for a week straight. Did you really think Seattle was going to let you single-handedly beat them? Sheesh.

    And, lastly, I don't care how intelligent Terry Bradshaw might be or what his clinical diagnosis is, he's still incredibly fucking annoying and belongs no where near the field for something as important as the presentation of the NFC Championship Trophy.

  4. It's fun for me when strangers comment on my blog. It's worldwide so you may be suprised who actually reads them. Only nasty comments I ever got was from someone who knows me. I thought that that was quite ironic.\
    Oh Well!

  5. Mike, the best part is I don't even know Anonymous. He's an alledged acquaintenace of St. Ides, and is the only guy to leave me nasty comments.

    But he rasies a valid point, a point that should have been addressed a long time ago...

  6. Hey, let's clarify something here: that wasn't a Nasty comment. It was an honest one. Haven't you noticed around the league how most of the NFL announcers are quick to label a guy who happens to make an excellent tackle on a random, SINGLE play, give that tackler "The BEST in the NFL" title instantly. If we were counting apparently, every NFL player who ever stepped on the field has probably been labeled "The Best" at his position by one dumb announcer or another, never thinking their statements through - think the entire ESPN Sunday night crew.

    So Samiclaus, who probably doesn't watch many Hawk games (read watching Packers instead) sees one game and is ready to take Matt H over Tom Brady - is just a ridiculous statement, and that needs to be addressed - gotta keep it real
