Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Silence of the Lambs

To our regular SBS readers: this is not a typical post about sports. It's a post of a highly personal nature. Karen Simmons, my wife's business partner, has stolen (from our calculations) about $15,000.00 of our money. This is not something I am proud to admit, because it is indicative of my own stupidity to allow my family to be bamboozled by this con artist. For those who care about such things, Karen Simmons is a wedding photographer in Atlanta, and the truth about what she did will come out in the courts. I intended to post the following on my wife's blog (kikimarcus.com) but decided it was better suited to appear here, so that there would be no doubt in anyone's mind who was making this post...

A lot of you must be wondering where I’ve been while this whole mess has gone down between Karen Simmons and my family. I’ve been wondering this myself.

The last time Karen stayed at my house, I heard her raise her voice to my wife. It was over the disabling of an account on PWP, some whiney loser whose name I can't recall. I hope I meet him some day, because once upon a time on the PWP Forum he said that my wife looked “frightening”. I don’t think he knows the meaning of the word frightening, but he will after he meets me. Karen Simmons objected to my wife disabling the account and yelled (and I mean yelled) NO NO NO NO NO.

In my house. To my wife.

And I said nothing. But I seethed.

It wouldn’t be the last time Karen Simmons would scream at my wife that weekend, but it was the last time she did it in front of me. And I’m writing this because I am so disappointed in myself. I should have thrown her out of my house on her fat ass right then and there, but I didn’t. Why? My wife was in business with this disgusting ill mannered woman and out of respect to my wife, I kept silent. That was wrong of me.

Three weeks prior to that, I kept silent in Florida at a business meeting between Karen Simmons and my wife because I didn’t feel it was my place to participate. Karen is a terrible business woman, and we were heavily invested with her. I wanted to say something to warn my wife but I didn’t. When I finally muttered something, it was in a way that only upset my wife further. It was cowardly on my part. I was wrong about that too.

On that trip, when it seemed as though all of Karen Simmons’s friends were throwing her under the proverbial bus, I sat with her. I told her she was family. I told her that her friends were not true friends, and that we would stick by her. I told her this because I wanted to believe her. I showed her love and compassion. Except I was wrong about that as well.

So, I’m not going to be silent anymore.

Every rumor, every suggestion, every innuendo, every negative story you have heard about Karen Simmons is 100% true. She is a self centered, no talented ox. She is a criminal. She is immoral. And she has hurt my family. And that was her mistake.

And now I’m pursuing legal remedy. Not because I’m angry or upset, but because it is right and good to warn people about Karen Simmons. It’s a chance for me to right some wrongs, some of mine and all of hers. Someone has to stop this adulterous criminal, before she hurts another good hearted person.

You fat filthy fuck: I know you’re reading this blog. I’m a pretty smart guy, a lot smarter than you. I’m going pursue every legal means to recover what you took from my family, and if you happen to lose everything along the way then so be it. You have brought this upon yourself. I don’t care about you or your family, the pig you’re fucking, or his family.

Oh, hi there. I imagine you’re reading this as well.

And I don’t like you.

1 comment:

  1. Karen Simmons Sucks! Karen Simmons Sucks! What a complete asshole you are. Stealing money from friends, for what?? Indulging in your whore-ish behaviour?? You fat hog, you are going to rue the day you fucked with Samiclaus.
