Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What a day for Sports Blog Steves!

Wow! This has been by far the most heavily trafficed day here at Sports Blog Steves! Over 100 unique IP addresses stopped by today to read my instant classic, "The Silence of the Lambs". Thanks for your overwhealming support!

While you're here let me introduce you to Sports Blog Steves. This is a site where me and one of my IT buddies from New York (who happens to think the world of Wedding Photographers) chat about sports. We share our opinions with Mrs. Samichlaus, who as you probaly know by now is the love of my life, and our faithful reader Anonymous, a die hard chowderhead Patriots fan with a wicked sense of humor and a lot of sports smarts.

To get acclimated to our writing (which occurs mostly during the NFL season) I'd like to share some of my favorite blogs...

My all time favorite blog, about Mrs. Samichlaus's unforunate, well, past judgement is here.
My second all time favorite, about our experiences in China is here
Sometimes we brilliantly deduce the truth about a person years before they self destruct, as we did with Michael Vick.
Steve St. Ides, my brilliant partner in crime, can get a bit over analytical. But he's an Application Developer. Sometimes I don't know what makes that cat tick.
A lot of time we try our hand at humor, like we did here and here.
And sometimes we deal with serious issues like racisim and sexisim.
Sometimes we talk about baseball and the drunks who call the games.
Once, even Karen Simmons had something nice to say to me.

So check us out and come back soon. I'll promise to write more sports stuff...

1 comment:

  1. Who knew SBS posted that many blogs?

    big Saughx game tonight..beckett can turn the tables and bring it back to Fenway...

    Life is good for the Boston fan these days
