Thursday, September 22, 2005

Death to the Experts

I used to like reading the SI writers, but more and more, I find myself thinking "Uhmmm, are they effin kidding me?"
I mean, I guess these guys don't watch every single game every single week (although I would if that was my full-time job). But they should at least investigate a bit more before making such blanket statements like this one...

In this week's SI Power Rankings, Dr. Z ranked the Seahawks at #12, and had this to say:
"They almost did it again, that fourth quarter fade. If Michael Vick had stayed in, who knows?"

If Vick had stayed in?!?! Vick missed all of 5 snaps the entire game. One of which was a 2-point conversion try. Backup Matt Schaub (who many of the same experts claim could be a starter in several teams in the league) came in for Vick. Here's the recap of those snaps Vick missed:

1.) 2nd and 5 at SEA 5 (4:41) #8 Schaub in at QB W.Dunn up the middle to SEA 5 for no gain (K.Hamlin, J.Sharper).

2.) 3rd and 5 at SEA 5 (4:06) M.Schaub pass incomplete to B.Finneran.
PENALTY on SEA-A.Dyson, Defensive Pass Interference, 4 yards, enforced at SEA 5 - No Play.

3.) 1st and 1 at SEA 1 (4:01) T.Duckett right guard for 1 yard, TOUCHDOWN.

4.) TWO-POINT CONVERSION ATTEMPT. M.Schaub pass to A.Crumpler is complete. ATTEMPT SUCCEEDS.

(NOTE: Vick was back in for the final drive, and only left again on 4th and long, after he took a bad sack.)

5.) 4th and 14 at ATL 23 (1:41) #8 Shaub in at QB (Shotgun) M.Schaub pass incomplete to R.White (A.Dyson).

So let's see... a run for no gain, a pass that drew an interference call in the end zone, a subsequent 1-yard TD run, a successful 2-point conversion pass, and an incompletion on a tough 4th and long (which he inherited from Vick). Really, only on the 4th down play could you possibly say that maybe, MAYBE, there's a chance Vick could have scrambled around and found an open receiver or run for the first down. But you could say that on any play in any game about any player that comes out due to an injury. And yet this "expert" claims that had Vick stayed in, the Seahawks might have choked the game away?

So the question remains.. Have I regained faith in the Seahawks after a gutsy win against Atlanta? Their defense stepped up and played a great game. Combine that with the fact that Jacksonville gave the Colts a tough game in Indy, and maybe Seattle is better than people think. Maybe the Jags defense really is THAT good. If Seattle is for real, they should smash the Kurt Warner led Cardinals this Sunday at home. The Arizona offensive line is awful. Their running game has been non-existent. And Warner is as inmobile, sack-prone, and turnover-happy as ever. They need to win that game by at least 10, and then maybe my faith will be restored. For now.


  1. What annoys me about Z’s analysis of Seattle’s win is he gives no credit given to the Seahawks and lots of credit given to Vick… FOR DOING NOTHING!!!!!!! Let’s get this straight: Atlanta beats Philly and Seattle beats Atlanta so Z’s got Atlanta ranked 6, Philly ranked 7th and Seattle ranked 12th. Okie dokie. At least he’s got Green Bay correctly placed. The Packers are ranked 30th, just ahead of the Viqueens and the Texans.

    And let me officially apologize to Mike Vick, because when I’m wrong about someone or something I own up. Vick’s penis isn’t clap infested, it’s herpes infested. My apologies.

  2. yeah Dr Z is a fucking moron. I have never like the guy, in fact, I'm not sure if he's even a football fan. He's completely wrong on his analysis over 1/2 the time. I like Peter King though....he's about the only SI person I respect.

    rankings are dumb - these can onyl be done at the end of the season.

    hey the superbowl is played in Feb this year. AND did you guys know its only been played in Feb 3x ever. AND DID you know 1 team has won every Feb played SB?

    come on, take a guess :D

  3. I'm not sure... let's see, Super Bowl XXI which I had the pleasure of attending in New Orleans was played in January. That was the one where the Packers beat the Patriots.

    The good old days, when that was actually possible
